Walking with Dinosaurs at the St. Pete Times Forum

Dad Blogging:

My wife and son ROCK!  Yesterday I got an awesome surprise.  Right at dinner time I was told that I needed to get ready because I had to leave for something special very soon.  My son and I headed out the door with tickets in a sealed envelope and all my wife told me was that I needed to go to the St. Pete Times Forum.  She had dropped a few hints making me think I was taking our son to see the Star Wars Orchestra which I wanted to see but worried might be a bit much for a 4 year old.

When I got to the Forum I saw that we really had tickets for Walking with Dinosaurs!  It is a show with a paleontologist telling the history of dinosaurs with life-size dinosaurs bringing the story to life.  The larger dinosaurs weigh 1.6 TONS!  They had a brachiosaurus that was 36 feet tall and 56 feet long!  Of course my son’s favorite was the Tyrannosaurus Rex which had a very impressive and LOUD roar.  It was a great night spending some time with my son, and my wife is the best for setting up such a terrific surprise.











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  • These are great pictures. The fun you all must have had:) Thank you for sharing your fun with us.
    Shalyn Sanders

  • lauren

    I was reading about this show the other day & it looks sooo awesome!! You do have an awesome family to surprise you with that! 😀

  • C looked like he had a great time!! You have such a cool wife! 😉

  • Looks like fun. I wanted to take Chris to this but I worry he’ll be afraid. So we’re going to Elmo this weekend instead.

  • Looks like so much fun! Your kids must’ve had a great time! It’s looks like you had fun too. 🙂
