Starting Kindergarten!

I am in shock.  Absolute disbelief.  Today Jason and I dropped our son off for his first day of kindergarten!  We are so excited for him and we know he is going to do GREAT, but wow, how is he old enough to be away from us for almost a full work day five days a week!!  When I was younger my grandma would always tell me that time goes by so fast and I need to take in every moment.  My mom told me to enjoy each age for what it was and never rush growing up.  It made sense, but none of it really sunk in until after I had kids.

My little boy is such a blessing!  He is incredibly smart, kind, and fun…he is going to have a fantastic year!  Now I just have to stop crying about him growing up so fast.  😉

Here I am giving my son a kiss just after he was born:

And here I am today giving him a big hug as I leave him in his kindergarten class.  It does not feel like this much time has passed!


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  • Awwwwww! He’s growing up! 🙂 Just think of how excited he’ll be when he gets home!

  • Casey

    Precious…I love that last picture of you hugging him. I want to hear all about his first day!!

  • Mrs. Gallagher

    Congratulations on making it through the first day!!! One baby down, two to go!

    And seriously that lunch is envious! All my baby got was bologna! LoL

  • Katie

    That is the cutest lunch I have ever seen!! How fun! 🙂

  • Allison Belcher

    I am tearing up looking at his newborn pic and you giving him a hug at kindergarten. I think I need to give my babies a big hug and hold them forever so they never grow up!!!!!

  • […] we have had our daughter’s first birthday (which I still need to put on the blog!), our son start kindergarten, and then our other son turn three and start preschool!  He is also potty training which made […]
