Wedding at the Powel Crosley Estate: Marisol and Christian

Marisol and Christian had their wedding in Sarasota at the Powel Crosley Estate.  The wedding had a peacock theme with beautiful blue and green colors and feathers throughout the details.  The couple had planned for an outdoor reception and their tables were set up on the lawn by the water.  Green glass bottles held peacock feathers and looked great next to blue glass bottled waters at each place setting.  There was a circle of peacock feathers under each table number and the numbers were decorated with blue and green designs.  Everything was set…and then as the ceremony began so did the rain!  They say rain on the wedding day is good luck and by the end of the ceremony it was raining hard so Marisol and Christian are sure to have a long a happy marriage!  Dinner was moved inside and by the end of the night the rain had stopped so everyone enjoyed dancing on the terrace.

Congratulations to Marisol, Christian, and their wonderful family!  Remember that without the rain there would be no rainbow. We hope your life together is filled with rainbows!


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  • Sara

    Leave it to Jason to get some of the most beautiful pictures with a rainstorm. I just love the one of them in front of the open French doors.

  • Mrs Gallagher

    Rainstorms are always good on a wedding day. Washes your slate clean for a FRESH start to your new married life.
