Wild Children

Today (well, it is past midnight, so technically yesterday) was the last of our Christmas mini sessions! We had an absolute blast this year seeing so many incredible families and celebrating the joy of the season with everyone! I still have LOTS of editing to do but I’m loving all the gorgeous pictures. Huge thanks to all of you who had a session or a mini session or a wedding with us!

We managed to sneak in some of our own family pictures and as I was loading them in, a picture of our 3 year old caught my eye. This kid, I’m telling you – he’s something! He will get out every toy in his room to build a city or a castle or a race track, then forget all about them to go get a snack, that only mommy can get or he’ll throw a fit, as he climbs the counters and cabinets like an acrobat to find the juice we hid from him, and then take the juice and some “salami mommy” outside to the playset, to swing as high as he can swing, all while singing Caspar Babypants so loudly that I’m sure the neighbors know the words by heart. And just when you are so completely worn out that your patience is GONE, he will come up and look at me with his big, sparkling blue eyes and sing “Hold Me Now” (Thompson Twins, but with his own spin on it) and snuggle against me and tell me that I have to hold him forever and never put him down because he loves me so so so so sooooooo much. And as busy as I may be, and as exasperated as I may feel, my heart is full.

“Give me the wild children with their bare feet and sparking eyes. The restless, churning climbers. The wild ones using their outside voices, singing all the way home. Give me the wonder-filled, glorious mess makers dreaming of mountains and mud, aching to run through a field of stars.” – Nicolette Sowder

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